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Introducing BioFlex Laser System

What is the Bioflex Laser System?

Bioflex is currently the most advanced laser therapy system available on the global market. It delivers Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) through the combined benefits of laser and LED. This combination ensures local tissue repair, while further expediting the healing process through the support of the surrounding tissues. Ultimately, the Bioflex Laser System allows the body to heal itself

What is Laser Therapy?

Laser Therapy, also known as Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), Photobiomodulation, or Cold Laser, is a light-based technology proven to be highly effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, and wound healing, and other benefits.

The technology is non-invasive, non-toxic, and is currently utilized in many countries world-wide.

Clinically Proven Benefits

Improved pain relief

Decreased edema and stiffness

Decreased scarring

Decreased recurrence of injury

Increased patient satisfaction

Decreased recovery time

Increased range of motion

Faster return to activities

No side effects

How it Works

Laser therapy uses the power of red and infrared light to induce and support the healing process. Cells in the affected muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues absorb the energy from both types of light, leading to a series of physiological reactions that restores cell structure back to normal.

During laser therapy, mitochondria (the powerhouses of every cell) release protons, allowing for the production of energy-rich molecules like ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides the energy needed to reduce inflammation, promote healing and repair injuries.

Instead of simply masking symptoms, laser therapy targets the cause of pain, and the results are permanent. Due to physiological differences in each person, results may vary. For most patients, however, the improvements are noticeable within three to five treatments. Many notice a difference right away!

The Benefits of Laser Therapy

Laser therapy a non-toxic and non-invasive way to eliminate pain, reducing the need for pharmaceuticals. Normal ranges of motion and physical function are restored with no known adverse side effects. Laser therapy can eradicate the need for surgery and provides an alternative for those who have found conventional therapies to be unsuccessful.

Physiological effects of laser therapy are:

• The increased production and release of endorphins (a natural painkiller), cortisol, which assists metabolism and stress management, the human growth hormone, which is necessary for tissue repair, and ATP, which improves and regulates cellular metabolism

• Increased synthesis of proteins

• Improved venous and lymphatic flow

• Elevated oxygen saturation

• Enhanced immunity

Clinical Applications of Cold Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser devices are also use as pain relief of the following conditions:

• Muscle and joint pain.

• Stiffness associated with arthritis.

• Pain associated with muscle spasms.

• Hand pain and wrist pain associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

• Neck pain.

• Lower back pain.

• Wound healing.

Please contact for appointment 

Rates will vary for BioFlex treatment. Please inquire. Health assessment is included with cost of treatment.

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